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Yahoo Finance: “How Trading In Ford, GE And Other Volatile Stocks Could Be Linked To Casino Closures”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS Yahoo Finance: “How Trading In Ford, GE And Other Volatile Stocks Could Be Linked To Casino Closures”

Excerpt from Yahoo Finance quoting DataTrek's Nick Colas:

.... "DataTrek Research co-founder Nicholas Colas said this week there has been a flood of retail investors buying stocks in the past two weeks, a trend that has run counter to the way retail traders have behaved in the past. Colas said retail traders certainly didn’t rush in to immediately buy the dips in 2008 or 1987.

“Retail tends to sell sudden shocks that cause incremental unemployment because, well, fear is a powerful motivator to action and many investors want liquidity in case they lose their jobs,” he said"....

Read the full article here on Yahoo Finance!

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