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Yahoo Finance: “American women are facing ‘perfect storm’ of student debt”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS Yahoo Finance: “American women are facing ‘perfect storm’ of student debt”

Excerpt from Katie Krzaczek's latest article for Yahoo Finance quoting DataTrek co-founder Jessica Rabe: ..... "Total student loan debt in America recently passed $1.5 trillion. And as Yahoo Finance previously reported, financial struggles — particularly those related to education debt — are straining marriages. On top of all that, as recently explained by Datatrek Research cofounder Jessica Rabe, women are being hit markedly harder by the burden of student loans than their male counterparts due to a “perfect storm” of factors. ‘It only gets worse over time’ Here are the major parts of the perfect storm, as explained by Rabe: “A greater share of women attend college than men, but they also take out more loans and borrow more money in order to do so. Upon finishing their higher education, they earn less than men and are slower to repay their loans"..... Read the whole article here on Yahoo Finance!  

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