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DataTrek’s Nick Colas on The Compound & Friends Podcast w/ Josh Brown & Michael Batnick

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS DataTrek’s Nick Colas on The Compound & Friends Podcast w/ Josh Brown & Michael Batnick

DataTrek co-founder Nick Colas was recently on The Compound and Friends podcast with Josh Brown and Michael Batnick, discussing everything from his useful tool for trading these volatile markets and the strong dollar to Tesla/Apple and disruptive vs sustaining innovation. The episode has received a huge positive response and tens of thousands of views on YouTube. Check it out here!

Trial DataTrek Morning Briefings for Free

Thousands of investors and financial journalists rely on Nick and Jessica’s newsletter every day for their thought-provoking work on markets, data and disruption. See why for yourself by starting a 2-week FREE trial below.