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CNN Business: “The 2000 recount was a mess. A contested election now would be much scarier for Wall Street”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS CNN Business: “The 2000 recount was a mess. A contested election now would be much scarier for Wall Street”

Excerpt from CNN Business quoting DataTrek co-founder Nick Colas:

.... "But Nicholas Colas, a Wall Street veteran and co-founder of DataTrek Research, expects markets to look past spurious lawsuits that have little chance of changing the outcome.

"The market will have a high-quality BS meter on lawsuits from both sides," said Colas.

He also expressed cautious optimism that this election will get sorted out, just like all the ones before it."

The country has over a 200-year history of peaceful transfer of power," said Colas. "I don't think it will end on November 4, 2020."

Read the full article here on CNN Business!

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