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MW: “Fed’s recent survey offers a glimpse of how the specter of tariffs looms large on Wall Street”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS MW: “Fed’s recent survey offers a glimpse of how the specter of tariffs looms large on Wall Street”

Excerpt from MarketWatch's latest article quoting DataTrek co-founder Jessica Rabe: .... "Fifty-one times. That’s how frequently the word tariff was mentioned in the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book, an anecdotal account of business conditions in the central bank’s districts. The mentions are up from 41 times in the previous Beige Book report, according to Jessica Rabe, co-founder at DataTrek Research. Rabe, in a Thursday note, said the number of tariff references in Wednesday’s Beige Book release reflected “the greatest number of times since it started getting mentioned in April’s edition".... Read the whole article here on MarketWatch!

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