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CNBC: “Long-term investor lessons for the Turkey economic crisis and emerging markets stock decline”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS CNBC: “Long-term investor lessons for the Turkey economic crisis and emerging markets stock decline”

Excerpt from CNBC's latest article quoting DataTrek co-founder Nick Colas: .... "1. Turkey is a very small part of the EM index.

So how much does Turkey represent in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index? Not much. It does not even register among 14 countries worthy of breaking out as a separate portfolio weighting, and is placed within the catch-all category of "other" country holdings, which represents less than 4 percent of the ETF in all. Nick Colas, co-founder of DataTrek Research, points out that for Western investors, contagion is the issue, not Turkey itself. Turkish equities represent less than 1 percent of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. Even with the country's equity market down by 51 percent in dollar terms since the start of 2018, that alone has little impact on diversified equity investors, Colas wrote in a research note on Monday".... Read the whole article here on CNBC!

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